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Reclaim Your Voice with Jungle Flower

Reclaim Your Voice with Jungle Flower

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Pictured: Jungle Flower, Poet. Speaker. Trauma Informed Workshop Facilitator, Writing & Sound Guide

Join others with a lived experience of violence who are beginning or continuing their journey of healing. This trauma-informed four-week series run by Toronto-based violence survivor, Jungle Flower, will help you to feel empowered, creative and supported.

Founded in 2012, Reclaim Your Voice is a Black, Indigenous and People of Colour, survivor-led organization that creates safe spaces for participants.


Week 1: Feb. 28 — 2:30 to 4 p.m.

Your Safe Space: participate in a writing exercise designed to help you connect with your safe space. This workshop includes a somatic exercise to help bring awareness to the areas in our bodies where tension is held unconsciously.

Week 2: March 7 — 2:30 to 4 p.m.

Forgiveness - What it is & What it isn’t: explore the various layers of forgiveness as a group to help determine if the idea of forgiveness feels right to you.

Week 3: March 14 — 2:30 to 4 p.m.

Inner Critic & Self Compassion: engage in a writing exercise to help identify the negative commentary of your inner critic and practice self compassion. This is followed by a trauma-informed loving kindness meditation to help discover a personalized loving kindness phrase.

Week 4: March 21 — 2:30 to 4 p.m.

Poetry: Restorative Writes: in this beginner-friendly writing circle, poetry will be utilized to help understand the rights that are important to you to help reclaim your healing and restoration.


Email natalie.george@senecacollege.ca to register.

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