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Seneca pays tribute to former Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney

Seneca pays tribute to former Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney

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Seneca Polytechnic’s flags are at half-mast to mark the death of the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney, former Prime Minister of Canada. 

A statement from President David Agnew on the death of former Prime Minister Mulroney:

Seneca has lowered its flags to honour the life of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who died on Thursday, February 29, 2024.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau encouraged Canadians to “acknowledge – and celebrate – Mr. Mulroney’s role in building the modern, dynamic, and prosperous country we all know today.”

When I worked for the Premier of Ontario in the early 1990s, I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Mulroney and can attest to his passion for Canada and his generous spirit. Even though he and the Premier were from different political parties, Mr. Mulroney was frequently in touch and worked cooperatively on many issues, including constitutional reform. 

While perhaps best known at home for free trade agreements with the United States and Mexico, Mr. Mulroney is remembered internationally for being a strong supporter of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa and human rights. 

Mr. Trudeau’s official statement is here

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