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Launch of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Launch of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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Seneca Polytechnic kicked off the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation with two events at Seneca@York — the opening of the Indigenous-inspired courtyard and the unveiling of the mural prominent in the courtyard, designed by Indigenous Artist Isaac Murdoch.

Joining President David Agnew at the courtyard opening in the morning were:

  • Anthony Perruzza, City Councillor, Humber River-Black Creek
  • Matias de Dovitiis, TDSB School Board Trustee, Ward 4, Humber River - Black Creek
  • Kim Statham, Director, Urban Forestry, City of Toronto
  • Daniel Boven, Manager, Urban Forest Renewal, City of Toronto
  • Jennifer Gibb, Supervisor, Strategic Tree Planting Projects, City of Toronto
  • Nathan Hobbs, A/R Parks Program Officer, City of Toronto
  • Janice Lam, Natural Environment Specialist, City of Toronto
  • John Quinn, Principal, Quinn Design Associates
  • Andrew Naylor, Associate Landscape Architect, Quinn Design Associates
  • Alyssa Lagana, Associate Landscape Designer, Quinn Design Associates
  • James Brolly, Associate Landscape Designer, Quinn Design Associates
  • Brian K. Porter, Principal, Two Row Architect
  • Danny Carlos, Vice President, Operations, Rutherford Contracting
  • Alessandra Ghazarian, Chief Estimator, Rutherford Contracting

The space now includes Indigenous plants, trees and furniture, the Sweetgrass which grows in the medicine garden outside of Odeyto at Newnham Campus and inventive furniture for student and employee use.

In the afternoon, Mr.Murdoch, spoke to his inspiration in designing The Petition to the Water Spirits mural . He recounted the haunting story of when he — as a five-year old — and his siblings were taken from their mother to be brought to a residential school.

The event concluded with a healing song by Bobbi-Jo Virtue.

View photos from the event

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