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Seneca Board of Governors 2023-24

Seneca Board of Governors 2023-24

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Seneca Polytechnic is delighted to announce new members to the Board of Governors. Congratulations to three new external members Hiten Makim, Nancy Naylor and Bill Pearson, who began their term on Sept. 1. Also, a warm welcome to new internal member, Shiree Bain (student representative).

Congratulations as well to Winston Stewart, the new Chair of the Academic Planning and Student Affairs Committee. Ashif Somani is returning as Board Chair along with Kimberly Moran as Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee.

Welcome back to all returning governors: David Agnew (Seneca President), Chris Bullen, Nadine Chautilal (support staff representative), Samantha Craig-Curnow, John Kucharczuk (faculty representative), Steve Linthwaite, Maria May (administrative representative) and Alim Remtulla.

Thank you to our outgoing board members for your service: Khushi Gandhi (student representative), Fareed Amin, Ellen Malcolmson and Alice Thomas.

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