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Enhance your leadership skills by becoming a peer mentor

Enhance your leadership skills by becoming a peer mentor

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Apply to become a peer mentor and help new Seneca students succeed in a postsecondary environment. This leadership opportunity is open to those enrolling in full-time classes for the Winter 2023 Term, May 2023 Term and Fall 2023 Term.

Some benefits of becoming a mentor are:

  • Making a positive, lasting impact towards another student’s experience
  • Expanding your leadership skills
  • Gaining meaningful experience to add to your resumé

Apply to become a mentor today.

Here what some past peer mentors have to say

“Becoming a student mentor has been one of the best decisions of my life. For me, it’s not only about being a senior student and sharing my positive experiences with new students. I’ve also been able to learn more about myself, how to approach different people with different personalities and more. I believe that there is nothing more rewarding than knowing that you are making positive changes in other people’s lives. If you feel the same, this program is for you!” — Solomiia

“This program goes beyond mentorship and can transition to a friendship. As a mentor, this program is beneficial because it develops your leadership skills, increases your networking skills and helps you become open-minded. It also allows you to participate in making Seneca the postsecondary institute you are proud to represent. Yes, you have to put lots of time and energy into being a mentor, but I can assure you that it is worth it. We have all been the new person in a strange environment. Why not be a helping hand to guide someone through this phase of their life? If you choose to become a mentee or a mentor, you will not regret it!” — Tiyanne

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