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Centennial, Fanshawe and Seneca partner with government and industry to fill skills gap

Centennial, Fanshawe and Seneca partner with government and industry to fill skills gap

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Three postsecondary institutions are working with industry partners to address the skills shortage in Ontario’s screen-based industries.

Centennial, Fanshawe and Seneca colleges have collaborated to introduce a suite of eight microcredentials. The short programs are designed to help industry professionals upskill and current students who are content creators learn additional in-demand production and technology skills.

With film and television production at record levels in Ontario, employers are reporting difficulty finding enough qualified workers with up-to-date skills in industry-standard technologies.

Credentials offered through this first-of-its-kind partnership include Grip/Lighting and Television and Film Production Accounting Basic Skills at Centennial; Location Sound, Previsualization and Virtual Production – Unreal at Fanshawe; and Media Organization for Unscripted TV – Avid, Output and Delivery for Unscripted TV – Avid and Virtual Production – Unity at Seneca.

Courses will be taught by respected industry professionals and offered online, in person and through hybrid delivery, helping students balance work priorities and learn from wherever they are in Ontario.

This collaboration is developed with funding from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities’ Challenge Fund and the support of industry partners Avid, The Stratagem Group and Unity.

Also partnering on the project is POV, which will help members of equity-deserving groups access the microcredentials and diversify representation in Ontario’s screen-based industries.

To learn more about these microcredentials and register today, visit Centennial, Fanshawe and Seneca online.


“The television and film industry, and related digital industries, are growing rapidly in the Greater Toronto Area. To keep up with this growth and career opportunities for our students, Centennial College is proud to collaborate with Fanshawe and Seneca, through the Government of Ontario’s Challenge fund, in the development of discrete microcredentials that absolutely meet today’s industry needs, tomorrow’s changing requirements and key labour shortages.”

– Nate Horowitz, Dean, School of Communications, Media, Arts and Design, Centennial College

“Drawing on the collective resources of our three colleges was essential in developing this diverse package of microcredentials, aimed at upskilling the workforce for the film and television industries. With production booming in Toronto, this training will provide much needed talent development to address labour shortages and prepare workers for new opportunities in this rapidly changing field.”

– Rob Carver, Associate Dean, School of Contemporary Media, Fanshawe

“This suite of microcredentials gives students a real advantage in developing the skills that will lead them to employment in Ontario’s screen-based industries. We’re working with industry leaders to offer training on the platforms and technologies that are being used in film and television right now, meaning graduates of these courses will emerge ready to immediately join the workforce.”

– Kurt Muller, Dean, Faculty of Communication, Art and Design, Seneca

“Stratagem is delighted to support this project and is encouraged to see these dynamic colleges working in collaboration to help address this acute labour shortage across Ontario.  Film and television industries are growing quickly and this innovative program will help prepare the future workforce of Ontario for exciting careers in these booming fields.”

– Jeff Melanson, Partner, The Stratagem Group

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